Additional Info

Reducing Waste
There are many reasons to reduce waste and even more ways to accomplish that. At Gator Green no project is too small (or too big) to help eliminate waste. Here's a few ways that waste is reduced on campus: metal canteens are distributed in the beginning of the year to every freshman so they don't have to use plastic bottles and Brooks' Dining Hall has reusable plates and metal utensils instead of styrofoam. Sometimes it's the little things that count.

Reusing Waste
Composting is one of the easiest ways to reuse waste and here at Allegheny we take advantage of the waste that students create. The food waste, along with the biodegradable utensils, take-out containers, and packaging, that is collected from McKinley's Food Court is composted and then turned into Lawn Tea- a liquid fertilizer that Gator Green uses to "feed" the plants and grass on campus from Spring to Fall.

Recycling Waste
Even with distributing reusable bottles, there are drinks (and snacks) that are only sold in plastic. Thus, Gator Green has put a recycle bin for plastic, aluminum, and glass bottles in McKinley's, Brooks, the Library, and most buildings so it's always easy to get rid of those pesky plastics and the like. Additionally, there are bins for paper and cardboard in case you accidentally print one to many copies of your French Revolution Paper or have boxes from the post office because you ordered three pairs of shoes and a jacket.