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Campus Shutdowns

Have you unplugged yet?

Red Leaves

Fall Break Shutdown

Talk about a grand kick off to our zealous Energy Challenge! Before commencement of Fall Break students are encouraged to unplug any and all mechanisms from outlets. 
Returning from break, the Energy Challenge is initiated!


Winter Break Shutdown

Door decorating contest?! Say what!? Make awareness of energy conservation and sustainability engaging by launching a lil friendly competition. With that said, I bet you can't reduce your energy consumption more than I can!!

Wind Turbines in the Mountains

Energy Challenge

What Are You Doing To Conserve Energy?

Events and Projects: Events

Check This Out!

Still looking for a lil something to tickle your fancy? Get involved with these other projects we have going on!

Salad with Baguette

DeHart Local Foods Dinner

Become a locavore for a night!


Condoms for Biodiversity

Wondering what the heck...?


Spring's Surprise

I hope you like revolutionary art


520 N Main St
Meadville, Crawford County 16335



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