Campus-Wide Projects
This is How We're Reaching our Goal
By 2020, Allegheny College must become a higher educational carbon-neutral institution. And for us it's the little things that count.

From metal canteens to hard-plastic take-out containers, Gator Green seeks every little way to lessen the amount of waste that Allegheny College produces.

Since McKinley Food Court's utensils and take-out containers are bio-degradeable, when Gator Green mixes it with the food waste, we create an awesome Fertilizer Tea that keeps the campus grounds lookin fresh.

We want to make being environmentally friendly easy and accessible. Around Allegheny's campus there's always an option for compost and recycling.

Steffee's Solar Panels

The Pink Green House

Filtered Water Refill Stations

Carr's Living Wall

Low Flow Shower Heads
It's the Little Things That Count
All around campus there are environmentally friendly concepts being applied to everything from parking lots to ceilings.