What's the big Deal?
Misuse and overuse of electricity, water, and heating
Heading home for break can be exciting and all, but what isn't so thrilling is the amount of energy that is wasted when we're all away.

Sometimes we take advantage of having clean, running water at our fingertips. We must remember, though, that water is a limited resource.
Is there anything that I can do on the daily to conserve?
Tighten the Faucet: don't forget to turn the water off after washing your hands or getting out of the shower or while brushing your teeth or washing your dishes.

To maximize energy conservation, students are encouraged to unplug any electronic device that can potentially use energy while they are away. The top 3 electronics that consume the most energy are students' refrigerators, televisions, and microwaves.
Is there anything I can do on the daily to conserve?
Flip the Switch: don't forget to turn the lights off when you leave a room or unplug any string lights you have while you sleep.

I know we all love to be toasty in our room, but there's no harm in putting on a sweatshirt and a pair of fuzzy socks and lowering your room's thermostat a few degrees.
Is there anything I can do on the daily to conserve?
Lower the Stat(us) Quo: Instead of pretending you're in the tropics by setting your thermostat to 75°F or warmer, lowering it to 70°F can save a bunch energy and keep you from needing to open your window in case you get too warm.